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Category: Blog

pile of shoes

CommuniCare Kicks Off Our Shoe Drive

We’re “kicking off” summer with a fun and easy fundraiser – beginning this Friday, May 24 – to support our volunteer and student efforts. We’d

Safer Sex This Valentine’s Day

Condoms promote safer sex. February 14-21 is National Condom Week! Condoms are safer sex barriers that prevent pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted infections

Get Heart Happy This Valentine’s Day!

While observing Valentine’s Day with heart decorations and loved ones, celebrate all that your heart does for you and commit to protecting it.   Cardiovascular

a green image with a boy in the middle that says get moving indoors

Get Moving Indoors With the Whole Family

Your health and well-being shouldn’t be put on hold for the holidays, but we know it can be hard to find the motivation or time in between all those delicious meals. Thankfully, there are lots of tricks you can use to get your family moving!