Diabetes Education

Diabetes Education

CommuniCare offers diabetes education that connects patients with diabetes to health care services, support, and self-management skills so they can live healthy, active lives. CommuniCare’s comprehensive health centers are staffed with a full-time Diabetes Health Educator, and a Registered Nurse offers appointments at least one day/week at each site.

Woman with vegetables

Services Offered:

  • One-on-one appointments with Diabetes Health Educators and the Diabetes Registered Nurse
  • Group Medical Visits
    • Hansen on Thursdays 1-2pm
    • DCC on Fridays 1-2pm
    • Salud Clinic on Fridays 1-2pm
    • Cooking classes: offered once monthly at each site’s group visits (contact the team for schedule)
  • Home Visits and Mobile Medicine assistance (offered to people with housing insecurity and migrant and seasonal agricultural workers living in migrant housing centers)
  • Linkages to health insurance, medications, healthy food, behavioral health services and more


FAQ’s for Diabetes Education

Provided in schedule under services: Group medical visits are offered weekly at each site and feature cooking classes once/monthly.

CommuniCare’s Diabetes Health Educators have completed the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialist’s Diabetes Community Care Coordinator certificate course and CommuniCare-specific clinical training. They have strong knowledge of diabetes care and management that enables them to lead the group medical visits and one-on-one education appointments.

Locations Offering Diabetes Education